As time passes, technology keeps advancing. The first hand-phone (sometime in the 1980s my hubby tells me) looked like this:

The first time I saw a BlackBerry was when I was in Singapore with my hubby and I saw a sexy guy holding a very nice phone. So I took a closer look, thinking "...what the hell is this?" And I saw a BlackBerry label on the phone and I fell in love with it on the spot. But as you know I concentrate more on shoes and handbags. So I forgot all about that BlackBerry for awhile since at that time BlackBerry was not yet in Malaysia...(what a shame)... biasa lah kan. Malaysia is always last...hehehehhehe.
Now just look at this sexy thing, the BlackBerry:

I am in a dilemma right now.... which is the best? The Iphone is more expensive than the BB .... :-)
xoxoxox Ms. Shopaholic
I prefer blackberry Z10 ...