Shopaholic versus Fashionista

Shopaholic versus Fashionista
Fight for Fashion!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Reply for Ms Shopaholic on Manbag..

Well honey..even though I am not like ya'all, the Guccissmos...having more than 3 bags of Gucci (I dont even have one..just a Gucci shades..hahah) i do still carry other designers yanno...

The most important for a true Fashionista is the style & practicality, it doesnt mean that if you buy a designer bags which cost you all your credit card limit, you will definitely turn all heads around...:), Sometimes, even if the bag price is only RM100.00, and if you wear it right, you will look very good. Its just about how you carry the style, not how your burn your pocket for the style...

Gucci Fall Winter 2009 ad of anorexic models...

 I will not eat for 3 days so that I can buy a gucci bag....

However, I do thank you for your recommendation. Both bags are nice to have, but I am looking for more masculine bag..remember, I like to contra things around..:)

Totes is fine with me, but dont you think that Gucci Totes is to feminine? I can see a lot of gays in Gayvillion wearing one...

The Gucci medium tote bag are quite nice, but I wont pay for anything more than RM2500 for a bag. I would rather spend it on other things. Only shopaholic girls with a loads of money to spend on can splurge themselves in those Gucci boutiques...not me..hahah

On top of that, both bags are not versatile enough. It is a fixed tote bag without any detachable handles that would be able to convert a tote bag to a messenger bag..that will be a big problem for me..

I would prefer these...but the price..ooouuhhh!!1

I would buy these if they are available in Kuala Lumpur...see, with detachable handles and totally masculine..:)nice

Ways of wearing totes men's tote bag

Also, that 2 gucci bags you recommend are quite big for me, what kind of stuff do I want to carry in that bag? bowling ball? hairdryer? Gucci do have a lot of big bags...see above. Its nice, but too big for me..

Lets go and have a look at Gayvillion// Pavllion on some of the bags there...I think we should try to feel and wear it to see the style suitability...and we'll see how it goes...:)

Bruno with his petite messenger bag...funnylah!

Sama x? 


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